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Careers – MyCity Transportation


Exploring Careers with MyCity Transportation

As a member of the MyCity Transportation team, you will be offered more than a job - you will be offered a career.  We have drivers and operators promoted to management and administrative functions with a culture of promoting from within.  As you demonstrate key skills that are important to our business and to the customers that we serve, there will be career progression and promotion to the next level.


A. No more than one (1) moving violation and at-fault accident in last thirty-six (36) months.
B. No more than two (2) total violations/accidents (includes moving/non-moving, at-fault/NAF) in
last 36 months.
C. No prior license suspension for any reason in the last five (5) years.
D. No major violations ever.
E. Minimum driver age is twenty-five (25) years old.

Must include Social Security Number and Driver's License Number in the online application.